Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Part 1: Where the Autumn leaves fall..(1/5)

After the cataclysm, the world was in chaos. Autumn Hex, a teenage girl who now suffers from mental breakdowns and gets lost in her thoughts, runs downstairs and to the window.

"What..what happened?"

She walked outside her house. For miles and miles, she saw dead forests, barren land, no sign of life, and a sign of the end. Starting to wander around attempting to look for the slightest clue of life, she finds a torn-up hat with some initials. The initials read O.G.C. "Isn't that Olivia's initials? This must mean.."

Tears started to form in her eyes. Olivia was one of her best friends, and already having lost a best friend, it really hurt her to see another one gone.

Autumn then heard a clamor of noises. Could this be civilization, she thought. She went inside her house, got a backpack, filled it with clothes, any remaining water, the last bit of food, some paper, pencils, and her books. Then, she ran back outside, wanting to put Olivia's hat in her backpack. However, when she went outside, the hat was gone. Could this be a sign, she thought once again. She said good-bye to her aunt and uncle and started to walk into the barren wasteland, where her hopes of finding any signs of civilization, or her friends are for that matter, are.

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